Clean Air and Water Directly Impacts How Long We Live
Well it’s official…..Another Hurricane Disaster has disrupted the lives of millions of people. And that’s not to mention other ongoing environmental catastrophes such as tornados, wildfires and contaminated drinking water. It will probably take years and hundreds of billions of dollars, to rebuild Ft. Myers, Florida. CLIMATE CHANGE is negatively impacting our planet and warming our oceans which make conditions favorable for environmental disasters like Hurricane Ian. We need to put in place political candidates at all levels of government that are serious about PROTECTING OUR PLANET. We need to encourage innovation from the private sector to find smarter environmental preserving solutions.
Now that I have stated the obvious regarding what our environmental challenges are, let me give you some things to think about:
First…..Anyone who is sick and tired of environmental disasters should support those candidates in the upcoming midterms that give more than just lip service to fighting climate change. Examine your chosen candidate’s environmental track record. Are they suddenly interested in protecting our planet only 3 months before an election? Does your chosen candidate have a habit of being interested in environmental issues, but still treats climate change as a bottom of the list priority?
Second…..What about creative solutions that are environmentally friendly? Initiatives such as conversion to electric cars, and charging stations would be one example. Another would be mass transportation, or even working from home which would reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions from being released into the atmosphere. Remember it is these carbon emissions that are warming the earth’s atmosphere which in turn warm our oceans, which then make conditions favorable for Hurricanes such as Hurricane Ian.
Third…..Examine your political party affiliation. If the climate change problem is important to you, then is your chosen party serious about protecting our environment? Weigh that factor amongst your other top 3 political issues that are important to you. Don’t believe every political attack ad you see on TV. Many attack ads are designed to mislead or confuse you just long enough, to get your vote. Do your own candidate research.
Fourth…..And lastly, I do write a health blog from a “patient’s point of view.” I am connecting a clean and healthy planet as a major factor in peoples overall health. Examples would be the air we breath, the water we drink, or even the mental anguish we endure digging out of a hurricane mess. Think of Hurricane Ian….peoples homes blown away, people stranded in rivers of ocean and sewer water in their streets, no food to eat and no where to live. Yes, I am counting all of that as being “Bad for your health” which is why I will be adding a new section to the PatientBabble site which will be making a direct connection between having a clean planet and our overall health and wellbeing. Stay tuned in the coming months as I add that to the PatientBabble site.