Follow-up to my 11/19 Multi-Focal Contact Lenses Column.
Fitting and trying to get multifocal contact lenses just right is a little bit of a tedious experience…..and so was the last November 19th column on this matter. But I promised a follow-up to let my readers know how it turned out.
First of all, I learned that there is no such thing as “Ciba” Contact Lenses anymore. The Ciba Corporation was combined with The Alcon Corporation and the two companies will be united under the Alcon brand.
Over a 3 week period I compared the Alcon Contact “Dailies” Lenses… the Bausch and Lomb “Bio True” Lenses for Presbyopia. Both lenses were comfortable to wear……but I would give the slight edge to the Alcon brand regarding comfort. According to my optometrist the Alcon Multifocals do a little better for close up seeing and reading……and the Bausch and Lomb Multifocal do better on distance. But each contact lens brand has their own distinct engineering patent, so at the end of the day, what works for one person, could be completely different for another. And not all people are suited for multifocal contacts. At the end of your trial period you might just decide that you can’t wear multifocal contacts….period. My eyes are forever changing, and this time around, I was a borderline case for being a candidate for the Multifocals. They are great for an average day at work, but if I was going to sit down for a 4 hour written exam, I would probably just do it the old fashioned way……just plain glasses. My glasses are actually progressive, but still would prefer that for long stretches of reading.
A few other random notes. As the name suggests…..”Dailies” gives you a chance to have a clean new pair of multifocal contacts every day you wear them. It’s also easy to stick a spare in your pocket, just in case of the unlikely event that they should pop out. I was a little shocked at how expensive a 90 day supply is…..My 90 day supply was $260.00 I typically like to mix it up with days I wear my regular glasses, so I can stretch it out a little.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support, emails and comments!