Should Patients be Concerned About Election Day?

My first blog is Election Day?  I swear I did not plan it this way!  So now as a "Patient's Advocate" I'm supposed to sound knowledgable on which candidate will be better for our healthcare system?  Sorry to disappoint, but I am really confused by the whole Affordable Healthcare thing.  And luckily, I am probably not expected to be a fountain of knowledge on this topic.  And at the risk of losing half of my following audience right on my first blog post, I will say very little on whether Hillary or The Donald has the best chance at fixing our Healthcare System.  Right now, it is only 3:45pm EST and there are several more voting hours.....but if Hillary does win, I don't believe it will be 4 more years of Obama, like people think.  Hillary is her own person, and has been vocal about improving our Health Insurance System for decades even before Obama took the presidential office.  I suspect Hillary will tweak the system that's out there and I wish her well.  I mean, wouldn't every American wish the next president Godspeed?  On second thought....wait, don't answer.


Trump Won? Um…So does Trump have a Healthcare Plan?