What do Traffic Lights and Mask Wearing Have in Common? A Safe Thanksgiving!!
Anybody ever wonder why as a driver, we do things that sometimes seem like they don’t make sense? For example….we’ll stop at a red light, even when no other cars are near us. We’ll use our directional even though nobody is behind us. The reason we have these rules is for the overall traffic safety of our towns and communities. It is for the benefit and safety of EVERYBODY, that we adhere to these guidelines at ALL TIMES. Think about what would happen if it were up to each individual driver to decide if now would be a safe time to go through a red light? We see nobody around our vehicle, and just use our own discretion, make our own decisions as to what makes sense on how to proceed. After all we should be insulted that the rules that govern our roadways have “Taken our freedoms away!!”
I think you all can guess where I am going with this. How about if we gave all 200 million drivers across this country permission to voluntarily stop or run a red light? It’s a free country, right? “Nobody can tell me what to do. You are violating my freedom if I am ordered to follow a particular mandated behavior.” Well actually, no, because even in a free society, there are laws that need to be followed for the health and safety of us all. One person’s freedom can not jeopardize the health, safety and wellbeing of other drivers or pedestrians.
Which brings us to the real point of this discussion. Mask wearing. We need a coordinated, national policy on mask wearing. I believe that Joe Biden will be asking for this on January 20, 2021. Just like the traffic stop lights I mention above, it would be irresponsible governing to allow individuals, groups of individuals, or even different counties or states of individuals to all make up their own mask wearing guidelines. Drivers in New York and Connecticut both need to stop at red lights….just like responsible citizens in New York and Connecticut both need to wear masks….For the Safety of EVERYBODY!!
Have a Safe and Happy Mask Wearing Thanksgiving!!